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cylinder digestive health solution helps non profit

The Cylinder team lives, eats, and breathes the importance of digestive health every day, and when we see results for our clients, we want to shout them from the rooftops.

Here’s how a non-profit organization provided Cylinder to its workforce – with outstanding results.

The organization decided to implement Cylinder for two main reasons: cost and the health of its employees. After conducting a thorough claims analysis, the organization found digestive disease among its top five healthcare cost categories. This isn’t surprising, as more research shows the hidden costs of digestive disease in the American workforce. The non-profit also wanted to ensure its chosen digestive health solution would be easy for employees to use and could effectively manage the full scope of digestive disease.

After a thorough review, the organization selected Cylinder. A year after the program launch, the non-profit revisited its claims data comparing healthcare spending from enrolled and non-enrolled members with access to the Cylinder digestive health platform. For detailed results, download the full case study.

Overall, the non-profit observed the following for its enrolled members:

  • A 22% reduction in total medical spend
  • 92% of members reporting positive outcomes
  • A decrease in emergency room visits and inpatient admissions

Enrolled Cylinder members also reported increased overall well-being after participating in the digestive health program. The organization was able to help its employees deal with the burden and stress of digestive symptoms and disease while supporting an improved quality of life.

If you’d like to implement Cylinder for your employee population, request a demo or download the complete case study to learn more.