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cylinder trust your gut case studies from clyinder users

Member success stories: Improving outcomes and changing lives

Cylinder’s comprehensive digestive health platform provides the expert-led care and resources that individuals need to take control of their gastrointestinal (GI) conditions and symptoms. With an easy-to-navigate platform, 24/7 support from GI specialists, and lots more, Cylinder’s mission is to ensure that all members have access to the digestive health care they need and deserve—anytime, anywhere, and regardless of acuity level.

Read on to discover how Cylinder has helped three members regain control of their GI conditions—improving symptoms, reducing costs, and enhancing quality of life.

Laura Linton – Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
A self-proclaimed “carb queen,” Laura recounted how difficult it was for her to stick to a plan to help her with her satiety levels. No matter how much she ate, it was difficult to keep from feeling hungry. “It used to be constant—all day, every day,” Laura recalls.

On top of all this, Laura was also leading a busy career and taking care of a young child, so it was difficult to find the time to prepare meals. She developed gestational diabetes and became pre-diabetic. Laura decided enough was enough and enrolled in the Cylinder platform.

With the help of her Cylinder Registered Dietitian, Laura took small steps to improve her gut health. It began with eating nutritional snacks when she drank sodas and eventually, evolved to Laura trying new foods she liked through new recipes.

Working with her Cylinder Health Coach, Laura learned about “micro-changes:” small changes she could make in her daily life that would contribute to an even bigger goal. For example, in order to help Laura get more daily exercise in, her Health Coach suggested that she take a few minutes to go up and down the stairs each day. Laura’s digestive health and quality of life improved so much that she eventually recommended Cylinder to her boss, who suffers from diabetes.

Chuck Stickelman – Mansfield, Ohio
Chuck suffered from various GI issues throughout his lifetime, including bloating, vomiting, and diarrhea. He also struggled with weight management and high blood pressure. Chuck had met with all sorts of experts and professionals, but he had never found success with improving his gut health.

“I’ve gone back and forth between just resigning myself to the fact that my gut was always going to be an issue, and on the other side, [I’d] get really frustrated,” Chuck says about his past experiences. After he signed up for Cylinder, however, everything began to change for the better.

Chuck admitted that he initially had no expectations and did not think Cylinder would have any positive or negative outcomes. But he was surprised at how impactful his Cylinder Health Coach was. “The way she presents the science behind it…I like that,” Chuck comments.

He learned to better identify the trigger foods that cause his GI symptoms to flare up. His Cylinder Registered Dietitian also helped him get more excited about cooking, trying different foods, and incorporating more fiber in his diet. To his surprise, he was delighted–and relieved–to discover that it was all working.

With the help of Cylinder, Chuck has lost 70 pounds, and his gut is no longer in distress. As his weight has steadily come off, his GI issues have lessened. He now looks forward to the next challenge and appreciates the knowledge that he gained from his experience with the Cylinder platform.

Mimi Pineiro – Georgia
Mimi is a colorectal cancer survivor. Due to her cancer and cancer treatments, she has battled digestive health issues, including bloating, gas, and nausea. She enrolled in the Cylinder platform as part of her company’s benefits, hoping she could find the help she needed to improve and maintain her gut health.

With the help of her Registered Dietitian and Health Coach, Mimi was able to find the right diet to help her through chemotherapy and clinical trials. “Not only that, but they also helped with my emotions and [mental health] because GI health is connected to a lot of our emotions,” Mimi says. “And I learned all of this through Cylinder.”

Mimi’s diet changes relieved her nausea and eliminated her inflammation, bloating, and gassiness. When she felt unwell, Mimi was able to call her Registered Dietitian and Health Coach who provided the advice and support that she needed to stay on track. For example, when Mimi felt nauseous, her Registered Dietitian was able to tell her which foods were better for her and which foods she should avoid.

Mimi’s Registered Dietitian took her medical history and conditions into account, working hand-in-hand with her to develop the best, personalized treatment plan. For example, when Mimi experienced gassiness, her dietitian suggested that she divide up her vegetable juices and protein shakes throughout the day, instead of drinking them all at once.

This kind of tailored advice and customized plan helped Mimi stay committed to improving her digestive health and to the Cylinder platform. She refused to let the side effects of her cancer and chemotherapy keep her down. With the help of her Cylinder team, Mimi was able to better manage her digestive issues and take back control of her health.


Knowing where to start improving your gut health is only the beginning. Cylinder is an invaluable, comprehensive resource where employees can learn more about digestive health, get 24/7 support from a dedicated team of GI specialists, and lots more. If you want to provide proven support for your team members’ digestive conditions and improve their overall health, Cylinder can help change their lives for the better.

Cylinder is making a difference for those who are suffering from digestive health issues. Support your employees by helping them take control of their GI health. Request a demo today.